Causes of back pain right symptoms, treatment

Every person to back pain at least once in their life from time to time. Often this is a Symptom caused no unrest and run independently. But there are cases, to ignore where it is not so easy. Back pain on the right indicates the more serious diseases, than the usual physical strain. In any case, in order to prevent a disaster, all of the possible causes of pain need to examine in the back, and, if necessary, seek medical assistance.

Back pain

What types of pain can disturb us?

In most cases, the back hurts at the exact place where the disease happened. Accordingly, pain in a certain place, with the knowledge of the basics of anatomy, you can tell us, what is the structure of the body is damaged or clue where to look. For example, in the case of a dry pleurisy on the property pain over the lesion, usually under the shoulder blade or in the page, it appears in a deep breath, engraving, bears the.

In other cases, painful sensations may not be identical with the location of the lesion. Distinguish 2 types of such a pain:

  • projected radiates from the place of occurrence in the course of the nerve fibers in the distal areas of the body, such as in osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, the pain may not be back just below the right or to the left, but also to the foot;
  • reflected – developed due to the defeat of the internal organs (usually the stomach and intestines), but is located in a remote and superficial parts of the body. The basis of their occurrence in the sensitive Innervation of the skin in the Form of individual substances, painful areas called Ged.

Back pain on the right has a different character:

  • Colic appears and disappears, is typical for the defeat of the urinary organs, with contraction of the smooth muscles;
  • increasing the intensity of the pain increases gradually, it is typical for inflammatory lesions (inflammation of the lung, subdiaphragmatic abscess);
  • by-drilling – such a pain points to the urgent condition (rupture of a training, authority, thromboembolism, intra-abdominal bleeding);
  • as a witch shot – to-shot characteristic, especially for diseases of the spine with involvement in the pathological process of the nerve roots of the spinal cord;
  • constant and monotonous, typical lesions of primary Organs, such as in diseases of the liver;
  • the pulling pain in the back is characteristic of traumatic and other injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Internal Political Reasons

Among the reasons for the occurrence of pain under the scapula or in the lumbar area to the right of all traumatic injuries (injuries to the soft parts of the back, stretching the muscles of the back, etc.). Also in this group, pain after prolonged physical work, stay in an uncomfortable Position, carrying heavy weights.

This group of causes of back pain is a serious danger that, in General, even after retirement. But, nevertheless, should not be neglected, such a sign, because under the mask of the ordinary Symptom of serious diseases may be hiding.

Diseases of the spine

This is the most common group of diseases that lead to the development of the pain syndrome in the back. If a long time, back pain on the right, then you need to think about a possible pathology of the spine.

The main culprit for back of the osteochondrosis is pain. The localization of the pain depends on which section of the spine pathologically altered. Most of the time the lumbar spine suffers. A permanent press is pain below the right or to the left. In the case of lesions of the thoracic the pain can be above the waist or below the shoulder blade.

In the development of complications of osteochondrosis (pinched nerves, inflammation - sciatica) pain to another character. Developed and pain syndrome – pain bring the ends of radiating along the affected nerve (in the arm, in the leg). These pains have a permanent character (low back pain, torakalgiya) or in the Form of lumbago.

Pathology of the digestive organs

Disease Back

In the case of the defeat of the liver, the gall bladder pain often in the right part of the back, the right upper quadrant. Often, such pain develops and in diseases of the pancreas (Herpes-character of the pain).

Pain right below can occur, and in the case of appendicitis, especially if the location of the plant, an atypical (for a certain Position – he's hiding behind the blind gut).

Pain under the right shoulder blade can often be an indication of the acute diseases of the digestive tract. Here, the Zone is a Ged. Often acute cholecystitis begins exactly like that.

Cardiovascular Diseases

Although diseases of the heart and is radiating pain in the left half of the body, but in some cases it can give away and to the right.

Very dangerous state of faith atypical symptoms of a heart attack, when pain under the right shoulder blade. The patients in such cases do not think of a possible defeat of the heart, of the pain and suffering, and lost precious minutes that could save people's lives.

Kidney disease

Diseases of the kidney often pain occurs in the lumbar spine. In the case of States, the kidneys, due to the increasing size of the kidney (polycystic, hydronephrosis, tumours), is in constant pain, pulling back.

Colicky nature of the pain is Pyelonephritis, and Urolithiasis. A typical example of such pain is an attack of renal colic. The pain starts in the lumbar area, the abdomen and Vulva.

Gynecological Causes

If a woman appeared dragging pain in the lower back and abdomen, then you need to first eliminate gynecological pathology. The causes of such pathological conditions:

  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Ovarian cyst;
  • Tumor of the internal genital organs;
  • painful rule bleeding;
  • Inflammation of the reproductive organs;
  • if a woman is pregnant, then these symptoms may indicate that the risk for a miscarriage.

The Respiratory Organs

In the case of the defeat of the respiratory system pain, often in the area of the back. Cause such diseases can pain:

  • dry pleurisy – pain with breathing, amplified at the height of Inspiration, engraving has character, very strong, to reduce often pain, the Patient begins to be superficial and to breathe often;
  • Pneumothorax (tear in lung tissue with the entry into the pleural cavity air) – sharp and sudden pain under the shoulder blade, with the advent of severe shortness of breath;
  • Inflammation of the lungs with involvement in the pathological process of the Pleura – pain-similarly, when pleurisy is that which is observed;
  • Cancer of the bronchus or of the lung tissue – painful sensations in the spread of tumors in the late stage, the type of pain and its localization is dependent on the degree of germination of cancer cells into adjacent organs and Pleura.

Whatever the character of the pain in the right back area, in the first place, he should warn you. Because it is a Signal about the violation of the body, the small or more serious.